Friday, 6 September 2013

Statement from John McDonnell MP

Back in May I experienced chest pains for several days but had a busy schedule of meetings in the constituency and activities in Parliament and so continued on working until after speaking at a public meeting I suffered severe pains and my wife insisted that she take me to hospital.

I visited the Accident and Emergency Unit at Hillingdon Hospital and was diagnosed as having a minor heart attack. I was promptly taken by ambulance to Harefield Hospital where I was operated on successfully within 24 hours.
I am now on the hospital's rehabilitation programme and feeling well and increasingly stronger.

Last week I returned to Parliament to speak in the debate on Syria and this week I am back in my constituency office and raising further issues in the Commons.

I want to thank the doctors, nurses, paramedics and other staff at both Hillingdon Hospital and Harefield Hospital and my own GP, Dr Verma, for the excellent care and treatment they provided to me. They were all extremely warm and caring, whilst providing the highest possible professional treatment. This was the NHS at its finest.

I have written to the Chief Executives of both hospitals to pass on my praise and thanks to these wonderful NHS staff. I have also agreed to revisit Harefield Hospital this month to speak at the hospital's annual seminar on treating heart attacks.

I tried to return to work soon after my heart attack but this proved to be too soon and I had a setback. However during my period of recuperation my colleague, Helen Lowder, who manages my constituency office, and her team of staff and volunteers have worked incredibly hard to respond to the needs of my constituents and to deal with local issues as they have arisen. I wish to place on record my thanks to Helen and her team for their hard work and dedication.

As people have become aware of my illness I have received numerous cards and messages of support. I wish to thank all those individuals and organisations who have sent their best wishes and offered their support. Many religious groups have not only expressed their hopes for a speedy recovery but have also mentioned me in their prayers. I am grateful for this kindness.

I have really missed not being at the heart of community activities over the last three months and I am looking forward to getting fully back into action, especially working with local people and local community groups.